Chinese people discovered honey’s health benefits long ago. In the “Compendium of Materia Medica,” the Traditional Chinese Medicine classic by pharmacist Li
A traditional Chinese honey ginger remedy

Chinese people discovered honey’s health benefits long ago. In the “Compendium of Materia Medica,” the Traditional Chinese Medicine classic by pharmacist Li
East Cape landowner, Jim White, owns and manages the 2000 hectares in partnership with his older brother and sister. “Most of our work is done on horseback as
Essential oils are rapidly growing in popularity because they offer a natural health alternative. This is especially the case with Mānuka oil which is produced
Mother’s Day is just one day of many days out of a year that we show special appreciation for our deserving mums. While a bouquet of flowers and a surprise gift are always a sweet and nice way to s…
Here at Melora, we are all about keeping it natural and healthy eating. Swapping out that spoonful of sugar for an equal sized spoonful of honey is the ultimate way to satisfy your sweet tooth and
As the seasons change, our bodies also undergo changes in rhythm with nature. Some of you might notice yourself becoming a little more tired than usual during the day, or you may feel a little bit